Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Photo Book Layout

At first, Snapfish nearly brought me down to tears, and I was certainly not the first to have felt flustered by its limitations . Even so, I decided to persevere, to give myself time each day for these past 4 days to work on my photo book, and alas, I was able to end this ongoing battle of frustration and emerge unharmed, photo book in hand.

Page 1 of Photo Book

As I put my photos together, I tried to chronicle my journey, starting from the collapsed toy trains I found while waiting for my Spiced Chai Latte at Harmony and ending at the last photograph I took, of the garage door sign on Retired and Broke Drive
Even though every photograph is meant to have its own personal narrative, one that I hint at in each's title, there were often moments where I found interesting narrative being shared between two photographs. For example, pages 6 and 7 of the book (see below) which contain the images titled, "Up Is The Wrong Way" & "But There Are Berries Hanging From The Sky"compliment each other, not just narratively, but in their color schemes, in their composition - the crispness of the bright reds against the stark blues. 

Pages 6 and 7 of Photo Book


  1. I agree with the narrative point of your blog. As I looked through your photo book I couldn't help but see the pages as one image as a whole and loved how complimentary the two photos were to one another.

  2. I think choosing the white background was a smart choice. It allows me to focus solely on the photographs and makes the colors in each photo really pop. I also found that many of the photos placed next to each other worked well together even though that may have been chance since your main intent was based on narrative. Good work :)

  3. Zain, I really love the finished product of your photo book. The crispness of the stark white pages really complement your images quite nicely. Also I feel that you chronicled your journey very well. I find myself reconnecting with my own treks throughout the Appleton downtown area, kudos :)
